Ad Rates for Souvenir Booklet for African-American Women Awards
Advertisement Dimensions of a full page or cover are 8.5 by 11 inches.
Please check appropriate box.
Advertisement Rates:
{} Back Cover ————————————-600.00
{ } Inside Back Cover——————————500.00
{ } Inside front Cover——————————500.00
{ } Inside Full Page———————————150.00
{ } Inside Half Page———————————100.00
{ } Inside Quarter Page or Business Cards——-75.00
{ } Tickets per person are……………………………..65.00
Please make all checks payable to Kappa Community Development Corporation
All ads should be photo-ready. If not, they must be typed.
Please add 12.00 to the cost of the advertisement for each photo {half tone}. All photos must be black and white glossy.
Please attach photo-ready copy or typewritten copy to this form.
Deadline for all advertisements is October 9, 2017
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